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Grose jets sensitive to dirt?

Subject: Grose jets sensitive to dirt?
From: "Curt Onstott" <>
Date: Sun, 2 Oct 1994 05:45:43 +0000
I went to start my Midget this morning and it wouldn't start.  I then 
noticed fuel coming out of the overflow pipes of my SU's.  (The 
engine was flooded real well!)  I replaced the grose jets that were 
originally on the car because the same thing was happening.  Has 
anyone had similar experiences?  I'm thinking that they are overly 
sensitive to small amounts of crud in the fuel.  I'm going to replace 
them with the stock type of needle valve and see whether these things 
are less sensitive.   
-Curt Onstott      '70 MG Midget
 Don't anthropomorphize    /  _______  \
 British Cars.  It        / /  /| ||\\\ \
 upsets them.            / //\//| || \\\ \
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