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Another Lucas tale from hell.

Subject: Another Lucas tale from hell.
From: Maurice Dykes <mhdykes@Thinkage.On.CA>
Date: Sun, 2 Oct 1994 13:53:30 -0400
The Toronto Sun Saturday edition has an article in the driving section
that is sort of a Dewar's profile only it's about cars not Scotch.
Following is an excerpt ...
WORST AUTOMOTIVE EXPERIENCE: "Driving north on Highway 48 to Orillia in
my Spitfire one summer evening in 1971, I was caught in a tremendous
thunderstorm. The dashlights and headlights faded, and I ended driving
on an unlit stretch of highway in a tempest with no interior or exterior
lighting. I don't know how I made it alive but, but eventually I reach a
garage in Sutton run by a dead-ringer for Heinrich Himmler. Some days
you can't win."
Well, it gave me a chuckle!
69 GT6 2.5L      71 GT6 with a 3500 on the garage floor

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