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Paint spraying technique

Subject: Paint spraying technique
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 94 11:45:33 +0100
I know I should really go out and buy a book on paint spraying
but I'd be most grateful for some practical advice.

This weekend I shall be attemping to respray my car. I have a
small compressor (8 cfm, 25ltr, 2HP - yes I *know* it's too
small) and a 1.2 nozzle spray gun.

How do I set up the air and paint mixture? Do I put the 
compressor on max, open the air screw right up then open the
paint screw until I get a reasonable mist or what?

How long should I wait inbetween coats?  I'll be using a primer
first then the colour a few days later. It's cellulose paint
by the way.

Thanks very much for any useful hints & tips.

Steve - more at home covered in oil and grease than in paint
with a 1966 Morris Mini Minor in almond green (well, sort of).

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