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SOL Diseases

Subject: SOL Diseases
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 1994 06:59:25 PDT
Bob Jones notes:
<I believe the only way around this problem is to own many cars,
some on which the owner continually procrastinates any sort of
restoration work, some which would make Shipwrights proud, and 
some which lanquish in Restorer's Malaise.>

The main thing is to have at least one lbc to DRIVE.  Here in the Northeast 
that means to drive for 6-7 months.  Only minimum maintenance takes 
place during the driving months.  Significant restoration work is done in 
the non-driving months.  If one restores during the driving months one 
isn't doing enough driving.

I have been driving and maintaining the MGA this Driving Season, while 
trying to rebuild an engine for the Spitfire - postponing the major TR4A 
restoration until November.  The Spit engine project is going very slowly 
because I'm trying to do it "out of season".

It must be difficult to live in a place where lbc driving can be done 
when would the restoring get done?  

George Haynes

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