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Wire Wheels & Knock-Offs

Subject: Wire Wheels & Knock-Offs
From: (David Lapham H3-355)
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 94 13:00:35 CDT
  Regarding Charles Farwell's queries regarding his TR4 and its wheels . . .
While I agree that I feel more comfortable on 60 spoke wire wheels v. 48 spoke,
remember that a lot of cars put a lot of miles on the odometer using 48 spoke 
wheels.  This includes racing, and I mean HARD racing.  The wheels need to be 
in good shape and should be maintained and checked regularly (this applies to 
either 48 or 60 spoke or ???).  
As far as tightening the knock-offs, I would say that they should be snug, but 
not necessarily *tight*.  That is, don't beat the cr*p out of them or you risk 
weakening the threads.  You should check them at least occasionally, and do it 
with the wheel off the ground now and then to make sure the wheel is seated on 
the hub well.  
I speak from some experience (not a lot, but some).  I lost a wheel at over 65 
MPH last fall due to a stripped knock-off.  I doubt that I'll ever get all the 
pucker marks out of my upholstery.  
Dave L.             Austin, TX    

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