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1995 VTR Nat'l Convention.

Subject: 1995 VTR Nat'l Convention.
From: southern@neit.cgd.ucar.EDU (Lawrence Buja)
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 94 12:36:31 MDT
Below is the announcement for the 1995 VTR National Convention.

Since my brother and his wife are part of the organization committee,
they will be sending me information about the convention as it becomes
available and I'll post it to the list.  Expect to see schedules,
registration forms and maps to appear in the future.

I will be archiving all these files on the british-car archives in the
directory  The address is:

anonymous FTP:


/\      Lawrence Buja           Climate and Global Dynamics Division
  \_][  National Center for Atmospheric Research

                1995 Vintage Triumph Register
                     National Convention
             North American Triumph Challenge XX

                      July 26-30, 1995
                     CLOCK TOWER RESORT
                     Rockford, Illinois

The Illinois Sports Owners Association (ISOA) invites you to join us
for the 1995 Vintage Triumph Register National Convention and North
American Triumph Challenge XX.  ISOA is focused on providing good-
spirited competition and fun events for all participants.  Events will
include a welcome pool party, autocross, TSD rallye, fun rallye,
cookout, technical sessions, parts vendors, auction, photo/model/craft
contest and optional local tours.  While a Concours and Peoples Choice
are a major part of the convention, we encourage all Triumph
enthusiasts to bring a car - no matter what condition it is in.  The
featured model will be the TR7 as we celebrate its 20th anniversary.

Rockford is Illinois' second largest city.  Located along the Rock
River in north-central Illinois, it has many big city amenities
without having to cover up big city hassles.  Interesting and
uncongested local roads are perfect for tours, rallyes and fun.  The
nearby Interstate highway system puts Rockford withing a two day drive
for over 2/3 of the US and Canada.  Rockford is also accesible by air
(Chicago O'Hare or Greater Rockford Airport) for those who choose not
to drive.

Convention headquarters is the Clock Tower Resort, a full service
convention hotel.  The 1990 Austin-Healey convention was held there
and was a great success.  The resort has restaurants, shops and many
recreational facilities.  It promises to be a great place for
families, too, with lots to do in the general area.

Mark your calendar now and watch for official registration forms early
in 1995.  Hope to see you next summer!

ISOA VTR '95 convention information:     Convention Chairpersons:
(815) 332-3119 before 10pm CT            Jack Billimack   
Ann or Tim Buja                          Ann Buja
1173 Butler Road                         Sheri Pyle
Rockford, IL   61108-4702

    Note:  Rockford (*) is located 90 miles NW of Chicago, Illinois
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  • 1995 VTR Nat'l Convention., Lawrence Buja <=