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Re : Spitfire

To: (british cars listserver)
Subject: Re : Spitfire
From: Ben Hodson <>
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 94 16:43:15 BST
RGS03 writes :
> To: Scions of Lucas <>
> Sub,
> You wont get XKE speed from the Spit even *with* the GT6 engine.
> It would definitely be faster than the stock Spit gear but there
> are problems to overcome.
> The easiest way to accomplish this swap is not to put the GT6 gear
> in the Spit but rather to buy a GT6 and replace the body tub with the
> Spitfire's. Of course, then you no longer have a Spitfire. You have a
> roadster GT6. Different VIN#, different car.
> There's another alternative. For less $$$ and hassle you can do a
> lot of breathing on the Spit engine. Mill, port and polish the head,
> hotter cam, weber or dual SU carbs, lighten the flywheel, balance the
> engine, change the pistons. I've done all this and the difference
> from stock is astonishing. You can do a lot for around $3k and you
> wouldn't have all those spare Spitfire bits and GT6 body to store or
> try to sell. (Of course I will gladly accept all donations of spare
> Spit parts, any time!)
> Rik Schlierer
> NYSDOH_Local Assistance
> Albany NY

One of the nicest coinversions I have seen was a Dolomite 16v engine
in a Spit...It sounded great, went well and the owner said it wasnt
too much of a pig to do (well after you've found a Dollie 16v engine).

He said the biggest plus was the hadling wasnt upset by having the
heavy 6 cylinder lump up front - understeer city...

Anyway TTFN,


_/  Ben Hodson,             _/  Email :   _/
_/  Philips Research Labs, _/  Tel : 0293 815000 ext 5750           _/
_/  Crossoak Lane,        _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
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_/  Surrey, RH1 5HA.    _/  rock and roll....                       _/
_/  England.           _/  - Spinal Tap                             _/

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