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Re: Weber DCOE

Subject: Re: Weber DCOE
From: Matt Trebelhorn <>
Date: Sun, 4 Sep 1994 16:18:43 -0400 (EDT)
   From: Matthew Walker <>
   Subject: Weber Carbs

   Does anybody know if you should worry about calibrating the
   accelerator pump jets in a 45 DCOE ? I know the pump jets
   allow some fuel to re-enter the float chamber, preventing
   too much fuel going into the engine when accelerating.
 . I think calibrating the pump jets
   should give better driveability - right ?

I would look into other things first.  The choke (the narrowest point in the
carbuerator throat) is adjustable, with smaller sizes=better low-end drivability
and larger sizes=high-end power.  Sizes are visible from the intake side of the
carb, stamped on the bottom of the choke.  Also worth messing with are the
air corrector jets (larger=lean out mixture at top end) main fuel jets (larger=
richer, esp. at bottom end) and so on.  The best advice I can give is to find
yourself a copy of the Haynes Weber book, it's a damn fine guide.  It seems to 
me that the pump jets will only affect the acceleration phase, with little or
no effect elsewhere.  And I believe that the pump jet itself is seperate from 
the pump return circuit (dumps fuel back into the float bowl).

Anyway, look for a copy of that book, and write me back if you want to discuss
this further.  I, too, am in the process of making a 45 DCOE, like
the car in general, is never, ever finished.

Peace+warm dark beer to all,
Matt  (  1970 MGB

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