When I had the electric fuel pump on the Spit, I used a switch under the
dash to disable the pump. As I approached home or whereever I was planning
to park, I would flip the switch and shut off the fuel. I rarely left the
car with enough fuel to restart.
When I replaced the electric fuel pump with an OEM mechanical, I changed the
switch to control the low tension leads on the coil. It is an effective
theft control, but doesn't qualify as an anti-theft device with my
insurance company.
All of this anti-theft device thread reminds me of a comment that a local
automotive talk/help show host made, "Anyone who steals a British car deserves
what he gets." Somehow, this is more truth than any of us would like to admit.
Doug Mitchell - Owning a British car is a sure way to get to heaven: you've
been through hell on earth, and St. Peter will take pity on you.