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Food Extracts!

Subject: Food Extracts!
From: Daniel Cunliffe <>
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 1994 12:39:21 +0100
Hullo SOLmates,

Paul Heuer writes:
> BTW, Vegemite is a yeast extract, and Marmite is a meat extract. They are
> both however, black, tar-like and an aquired taste.

NO! NO! NO! Marmite is a YEAST extract - BOVRIL is a meat extract. Yes
Marmite is an acquired taste - is seems to depend on whether or not
you were fed it as a child (when you were too young to notice the
taste). Personally I love it!

Ob brit-cars... I was wrong about the number of Minis at the 30th
birthday party - apparently it was 35,000 :-) I've bought my ticket
so I'll have to go now! Shame no other SOLers are going :-( Report
will follow. Bye now...


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