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To: Christopher Ball <>
Subject: Re: SU FUEL PUMPS
From: Chip Old <>
Date: Thu, 4 Aug 1994 01:57:01 -0400 (EDT)
On Tue, 2 Aug 1994, Christopher Ball wrote:

> O.K. I almost drove Chip Old over the edge with the Sparking Plug
> thread I began. Got good info though.
I was already over the edge, so don't worry about it.  :)
> My Healey has a brand new SU pump. If I leave it for a week without 
> driving it I have to bang it a good one to get it going EVERY time. Looks 
> great in the parking lot  and crawling under a Healey is hard for
> SNAKES to do!
> I have cleaned and gapped the beast to no avial. Any suggestions? 
When S.U. pumps have done that to me, it's always been due to one (or 
any combination) of three things:
(1) Points and rockers out of adjustment.
(2) Diaphragm not flexed correctly at assembly (or hardened and 
    inflexible in an old pump).
(3) Valve disc stuck to its seat.
All of these arew relatively easy to fix, but would take too much 
bandwidth to describe here.  Most lbc shop manuals describe the 
procedures in detail.
Chip Old              1948 M.G. TC  TC6710  NEMGTR #2271    1962 Triumph TR4  CT3154LO (daily transportation)

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