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Re: Duck/Duct Tape

Subject: Re: Duck/Duct Tape
From: (Flemming Larsen)
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 1994 12:19:55 -0700
Allright landlubbers, listen up!

Duck tape has been around a long time, probably longer than
British cars. Been used on boats and ships since before America
was invented.

It is called Duck (notice correct spelling) Tape because of the
weave of the fabric that the sticky stuff is (was?) applied to.

That fabric is called Duck 'cuz ... it sheds water like a duck.

Yes, I _know_ that the stuff you buy at the (American, at least)
hardware stores is called Duct Tape. I'm guessing that's because
of common (mis)use, or due to a trademark thing.

If you beleive any of this, let me tell you about the fish I caught
last week ...

 -- Flemming Larsen                     flarsen@uclink.berkeley

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