I'm Sorry, I'm using Main and Hi and Bright interchangeably. Lo is
low beams. So C2 and C4 are jumpered out of relay#1, and this wire is
the switch input to the Hi relay#2 (W2).
Receiving/Sending a fax could be difficult; I'm not sure if my department
offers that! Strange huh.
I think you've got the jist of my setup. Ignition is like an If-Then-Else
loop. I'll draw a little program; if it is what you expect, then I think we
are both understanding each other.
10 Turn on headlight switch
20 Select Bright Lights
30 If "Ignition" = ON [[ W2(R1)is hot ]]
Power to Bright AND Low Circuit C2(R1)->W2(R2) , C3(R1)->W2(R3)
Power to Bright circuit C4(R1)->W2(R2)
30 Endif
40 Wiring Fire
60 End
That is, where R2 is the Hi Beam Relay, and R3 is the Low Beam Relay.
This lighting setup is on my 67 Spit-6. I've got some Cibie 5"? (smaller)
Halogen lights mounted behind the grille. It doesn't look gaudy cause
they're hidden. I got the headlights and buckets from a SeriesIII XJ-6
Euro-spec car. I just welded the buckets onto the frame in front of the
radiator, so they don't pivot with the bonnet.
It's REALLY nice to have the low circuit on at the same time as the hi
circuit, because you don't lose the close-field of vision at night when
you switch to brights.
Get back to me.
Greg Meboe