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Is there LBC life on other nets?

To: @car.dis
Subject: Is there LBC life on other nets?
Date: Thu, 7 Jul 94 15:42:37 EDT
Noble Scions,
        From time to time I see an entry that has been pasted in from
another net dimension.  I only found this one because of a recommendation
from an italian car lover friend.  (OK, that could be misleading.  The guy
is an Italian car lover, and he's my friend.)  Are there other relevant net 
topics that are related to lbc's?  I'll never leave my triumph.whatever 
lifeline, but what if there was an!  I'd love to see a list 
of the half dozen or so topics that maybe some of the scions also subscribe
to.  But I'm quiet sure it couldn't possibly get any better than this.

Much oblidged, 

- Skip  

'72 B roadster (tricked out man)
'74 BGT
'85 BMW 524td turbo diesel

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