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rotary spitfire

Subject: rotary spitfire
From: "Adam B. Cox" <adambcox@phoenix.Princeton.EDU>
Date: Thu, 7 Jul 1994 01:21:36 -0400 (EDT)
i have a triumph spitfire in which  we recently installed a carburated 
mazda 12-A rotary engine(a beautiful, professional installation). the 
car has NO rust and brand new bodywork (including mazda miata brg 
paint). it also has a new interior and lots of  other stuff (including an 
$800 stereo system). unfortunately, the investment in the car exceeded my 
original estimates :) and now i need to sell the car. i am asking $10,00 
for the car. if you are interested please mail me. this spit will make a 
great play or racing machine.


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