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July MOT events - Brookline, Mass

Subject: July MOT events - Brookline, Mass
From: Tim Dziechowski <>
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 94 17:32:35 EDT
I was running an errand in downtown Boston this morning when a slick red
T*y*ta Supra emblazoned with "Official Car - Museum of Transport" pulled
up and parked next to me.  I chatted with the driver, who turned out to be
the Director of the MOT in Brookline, Mass., and she confirmed the July
event dates:

Sunday July 10 - Day of Triumph
Sunday July 17 - British Car Day

The Museum is open 10AM to 5PM.  She said that people start bailing
out around 3, so go early if you're planning to go.  (Tim Dziechowski)
"still feeling bad about missing MG day"

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