Ah, the wedding, the lovely Jag, the lovely lady.
You know, I feel like I could just "jump for Joy"
Chris "at a safe distance" Ball
Larry S
Well, you know that video you lent to Jodi Levine? Well, we met at a TR
meeting and I made a complete ass of myself in fron t of the camera.
I really am sane ! Enjoy my blethering
Chris Ball
Greg Meboe you weasel ! It was YOU with the camera that night !!
You stole my TOOL TOTE idea. I have the prototype and I will be pressing
charges for copyright !
Mark Williams
On the racing idle on one carb I've had it be:
1. Worn throttle shaft. Easy to check with the carb cleaner trick.
2. Vacuum leaks in general.
3. The main piston needle being set to low with the shoulder sticking out
and raising the piston while messing up the mixture.
4. Two different needles !
You DID disconnect the two carbs from each other right ?
Good luck,
Chris "meanwhile, back at the gas station, two guys are still pumping
ethyl" Ball