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Driving by smell......

Subject: Driving by smell......
From: Richard Olearczyk <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 94 13:03:34 GMT
One thing inherent in the pleasure of driving a lbc, is the assorted
smells one is assulted with whilst driving with the top down. I'm not
talking about the blissful countryside cruising, but the burning rubber
on asphalt, the diesel fumes from the exhaust pipe of the lorry stopped
next to you (cough!), the carbon monoxide emitted from the car in front,
and the various smells coming from your own engine.

Now I'm no expert, but I can generally tell the state of my MG Midgets 
engine from the smells coming from under the bonnet. (i.e. the burning
oil smell if it overheats.....). But lately I have a wonderful smell which
I can only describe as "turgid pond water being boiled" being emitted when
the engine gets warm. Try as I might, I just can't track this one down. 
I've drained and flushed the system, I've replaced all the hoses, yet give
it a couple of weeks, and when it gets warm, the smell returns! (And no, its
not rotting wet carpets....). Short of driving with a gas mask on, I'm 
getting desperate!

Richard Olearczyk  (ollie)    |    RCP Ltd.,
                              |    Dales, High Street,
                              |    Didcot, Oxfordshire,
                              |    OX11 8EQ, ENGLAND

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