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Re: another dread disease

To: (Jennifer Joy),
Subject: Re: another dread disease
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 94 11:18:33 CST
You are absolutely right!

I just had to have a TR250, so I bought a cheap one. Oops.

But I *really* wanted a GT6 - so I bought a cheap one. Oops. This one, however,
I fixed up, as opposed the the TR250, which still waits in the shed for its

You know, that GT6 was just SO pretty, but I liked convertibles, so a Spitfire
of the same vintage would be nice...

Then I found a DEAL on not one, but THREE Spitfires, all cheap ones. Oops.

So now I own 5 Triumphs. One is a genuine parts car - it will go toward fixing
up the Spitfire Mk.1. The other two Spits, and Mk.1 and the Mk.3, are 
restorable. I intend to fix up the Mk.3, and if I can't unload the Mk.1 (a
previous buyer backed out when he realized how much work it would be...) I'll
fix it up, too.

I'm gonna stop, really. I can stop any time I want, really. I can, really. I
just hope someone doesn't wave a nice TR3 or TR4 under my nose....

Addictedly yours,


Subject: another dread disease
Author: (Jennifer Joy)
Date:    6/22/94  10:59 AM

One of the worst (british) car diseases is that it is hard to keep from
buying more than just one vehicle.  The worse perhaps, if you ask
your spouses and neighbors.  More fun if you ask most of us.  :-)  The
disease is capable of spreading via the written word.

Some of the many symptoms:
  -buying a parts vehicle but then deciding it just has to be keeper
  -attemping to buy a car and sell it for a profit (haha!)
  -buying one, and finding a better example for less [it's a deal], buying it
  -finding one in a barn, convinced it is a deal, rare, or just darn exciting
  -the inability to ever fully part out a parts car or throw anything away
  (this rusted out floorpan makes a great cheese grater, and I may need it 
   later anyway)
(who, for a while there, was having trouble not buying a car every
6 months)

       Jennifer Joy  sys/net admin   Motorola/RISC HW  Austin,TX 512.891.8561 fax:512.891.3190 pgr:933-7333 #898561

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