Gavin Walker writes:
> There was a three foot puddle of .... fuel. Quickly race to the fuel
> filter, no leaks there. For a second I thought I'd ruptured a fuel
> line. Back under the car and I see that the fuel had come out of the
> fresh air pipe of the charcoal canister. The only place this could
> come from was the float bowl vent pipes...
> Lifting up each [carb] piston I peered down the throats with a torch.
My eyebrows nearly jumped off my forehead when I first read this!
Then I remembered that "torch" in the UK & Oz is "flashlight" in the
USA. This is definitely one for the trivia file. Thanks, Gavin!
T.J. Higgins | | (205) 730-7922
Intergraph Corp. | Mapping Sciences Division | Huntsville, AL, USA