Does anyone have any experience with dismantling 1977+ B engines? I pulled
one from my parts car and am in the process of pulling it apart for a
rebuild. I'd never seen the cup-style pistons before, so it surprised me a
little. I am currently baffled as to how to remove the connecting rods and
main bearing enclosures. The nuts on them are all patterned and of bizarre
sizes. Is there a BL special tool #XXXXX for this job, or am I just going
about it wrong? Also, can the engine mount brackets from a '73 car be
fitted directly so as to mount it in my '73 body or is there a special
adaptor necessary?
BTW, I was travelled in rural Georgia this weekend and saw a nice little
'73 B with wires sitting in one of the "backyard junkyards" in the middle
of nowhere. Unfortunately, it was crumpled in the front end, which is
where I could use the parts. Nice wires, though. Oh, for storage space...
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