Yesterday John Blenke expounded on the cruise to and from his class reunion.
The final chapter involved a problem with his electronic ignition. Having done
this conversion on my midget, and on Bob Jones' B, I will add my $0.00002. I
like my Lumenition system batter than Bob's Crane/Allison system. The
Lumenition system has a generic brain, just like the Crane system. However,
the optical trigger, which is based on an infrared source and detector, is
vastly different between the two. (Since it is IR based, you won't be able to
trouble shot the system easily.) The Lumenition system has a fitting fit that
is based on the type of distributer you have. Because of this, I spent at most
twenty minutes putting mine in. I pulled the rotor, points and condensor,
placed the new optical unit over the points post, installed the optical
chopper, replaced the rotor, routed out the wires, and put the cap back on.
The black box in either system is mounted on the fender or firewall. It should
be mounted as high as possible due for heat and water reasons. The Crane
system I helped install on Bob's car had you carefully mark where the rotor was
as it fired cylinder 1. This is extremely critical and can make the rest of
the installation a bear. The Crane system has too many variables in mounting
the optical pick up. There are at least two if not three degrees of freedom,
all of which are critical to getting the car to ever run again (right Bob?).
The reason for all the "slop" is to make one system fit all cars. I would
gladly pay the extra $5 (out of ~$100) for a system that fits perfectly on my
specific dissy. I got mine through TSI, Ted Schumacher Imports, or whatever
their current name is, in Pandora, OH. Other places probably have the
Lumenition kit as well.
MAD "the very rambling man this morn, back to lurk mode"