Dana Nojima <nojim001@maroon.tc.umn.edu> writes:
> Garry Archer <archer@hsi.com> wrote:
> >Subject: Re: Naming cars
> >
> >.......My latest Jap car,
> Not the be the PC police, but a reminder that JAP is an offensive and
> racist term. I was at the local parts counter asking for a part for my
> Toyota truck. The parts counter person said that "jap" parts are over
> there. I mentioned to him that the term was offensive and his counter was
> no harm ment, that is just what we call them. So I figured that Nigger,
> Kike and Spic are OK because that is what folks call them.
My most sincere and profuse apologies. It is not normally a word I use
it just came out that way in my effort to keep short the non-British Car
content of my article. I didn't realise it was offensive.
You can be sure I won't do that again.
Garry Archer Esq. archer@hsi.com
3M Health Information Systems, Wallingford, Connecticut, U.S.A.
"An Englishman never enjoys himself, except for a noble purpose." - A.P.Herbert