Adam, to coin a phrase: Been There, Done That. In my case, I was my own
dreaded PO in that I had too long ignored the telltale signs of a
disintegrating U-joint, which let go and inflicted much the same damage
on my 1974 Spitfire. I was towed home OK (rear end on a sling -- the
car's, not mine!) but then couldn't push the car across my yard to get
to the garage to work on it. Sure the axle flopped around, but it should have
rolled fine. Except that I discovered (after getting three friends to help
an 1800 lb. car 50 ft.) that the loose rear axle had hammered
down the cable guide, thereby capturing the cable in the fully ON position!
Did your guide totally self-destruct? I was able to save mine with
liberal applications of the *Don't force it, get a bigger hammer/
screwdriver* philosophy. It doesn't have to be perfectly curved; you just
need a
fairly smooth path to guide the cable, along with a generous
application of a good grease to keep it moving, not binding!
Of course, if it's totally trashed, please ignore the above, and
good luck finding a replacement (what about Kipping's?).
Andy *thank heavens for parts cars* Mace <>