I couldn't add anything further however I did want to ask
when did the "New Swedes" appear? I seem to remember that
Volvos were once made by Vikings too. Remember the Com-
mercial that quipped "You can drive your Volvo like you hate
it... Cheaper than Psychoanalysis"? There also was a take-
off on a Timex watch add where they "Strapped John Cameron
Swayze to the front seat of a Volvo, just to see how much
this man could take...".
When did the accountants take over? sigh, the Brits just
managed to commit suicide by competeing against themselves
when the bean-counters took over (no offense to bean-counters...
"Three Breaks for tea and home before dark!"
Greg Petrolati gpetrola@firefly.prairienet.org
1962 TR4