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Re: Wanted: Info on '49 Armstrong Siddeley

Subject: Re: Wanted: Info on '49 Armstrong Siddeley
From: John Thomas <>
Date: Tue, 17 May 1994 09:10:15 +0100 (BST)
> Date: Thu, 12 May 1994 07:02:18 -0500 (EST)
> From: "Charles R. Semer IV" <>
> Subject: Wanted: Info on '49 Armstrong Siddeley
> I am in the process of purchasing a '49 six-light Lancaster 18  
> Armstrong Siddeley. This car is in good condition, all original and
> right hand drive. I am looking for sources of parts, new or remanufactured,
> manitanance manuals, electrical diagrams, lubrication diagrams and 
> advertising or sales promotion infromation. In addition I would
> like to obtain information about the number of cars of this model
> produced in '49 as well as production information on the other models
> produced during this year. All assistance will be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks in advance for your assistance. Send all replies to me at
> Charles R. Semer IV   (
> ------------------------------

I am copying this to the local Armstrong Siddeley Owners Club guru
Roger Haines -

I'm sure he can help. He runs a beautiful 1935 model and the ASOC spares 

John - octagonally advantaged - of Bath

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