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Troubles with Overdrive

Subject: Troubles with Overdrive
From: (Douglas Mitchell)
Date: Wed, 4 May 94 11:18:54 EDT
I have a Spitfire with factory overdrive.  I have a problem that I hope
someone in SOL land can help me with.  My OD works fine for a while, and
then will not disengage.  After releasing the pressure valve on the right
side of the OD, the system works fine for a while and then over pressurizes
again.  I am about to pull the OD and have it overhauled (109k miles), but
if someone can suggest a way to fix it with out yanking it out, I sure would
be a whoel lot happier.  The solonoid works fine, as well as the electrics.
Or at any rate, the solonoid moves back and forth and is adjusted according
to the factory manual.

My rationale for having the OD overhauled is that there is probably crud
in the system causing it to overpressurize.

Failing some easy cleaning process, is there anyone that o/h's the Spit OD?
I know that TRF has an exchange process for TR OD's but they seem to ignore
(I know, not a lot of them) the Spit OD's

Thanks for your suggestions/help.


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