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BMC History

Subject: BMC History
Date: Mon, 2 May 1994 05:33:37 PDT
On Thursday, April 28, Scott Fisher said:
<... in some cases, cars built in year N but assigned model-year designation 
N+1 were allowed to meet pollution requirements for year N.  Rumor has 
it there are a very few 1967/68 MGBs with '68's all-synchro gearbox, for 
instance, but with no air pump, making it highly desirable.  I have personally 
never seen such a vehicle, but someone on this list about five years ago 
claimed to have one that was that way from the factory.>

While I have not personally known an example of this with an MGB, a friend, 
late in 1967, bought a new 1968 Mini Cooper, complete with roll-up windows 
and all-syncro gearbox.  Quite a bit was made of this phenomenon at the 
time.  Last I knew, he had moved to the Bay area and still owned the Mini.  
Does anyone out there recognize the name Ivor D'Souza?  The Mini was blue.
We were pretty good friends at the time and I'd enjoy contacting him again!
George Haynes
1965 TR4A, BRG, IRS, Surrey Top, Overdrive
1956 MGA, Dove Grey, live axle, soft top, Overdrive

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