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Planning a trip to the UK

Subject: Planning a trip to the UK
From: (Bownes)
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 1994 10:21:54 +0500
Looks like the Designated Traveling Companion and I will be spending
just under two weeks in England in early October as out honeymoon. Aside 
from the requisite tours of museums and castles we plan to stop by the
remains of the Triumph factory for a brick, mebbe a stop in Abingdon
to pay respects, visit a few friends, and stop at a few other spots. 

Anyone got any other suggestions for places to stop? We're going to have
a car for well over a week, plan on being no further north than Coventry
or so. 

The GT-6 got a new shifter kit (anti-rattle kit) on Tuesday. What a difference
in the trans! Like night and day. A new oil pressure relief springs in the GT
and the TR6 over the weekend should return the TR6 to life. And the engine for 
the Spit should be back next week they tell me. New 0.040" over pistons
arrived yesterday. Boy, I'm looking forward to having my cars back....

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