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Re: repairing Spridget front sway bar mounts

Subject: Re: repairing Spridget front sway bar mounts
From: "Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521" <>
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 94 11:45:40 PST
     Re: repairing Spridget front sway bar mounts

          As Phil said earlier; been there done that, (but
     just a bit differently).
          Amac fabrication rebuilt Redcar's front mounts by
     taking off the stock pieces and welding up new mounts
     out of 1/8" steel plate as the ascii drawing below
     hopefully shows;
              FRAME RAIL                      | RADIATOR
                  |                           |
                  v                           |
               |      |\    < gusset          |_________
               |      | \              
               |______|  \
               ________________ <  new mount
                         |   |
                         |___|   < sway bar "stirrup",
                                   bolted through new mounting plate

          It moves the stirrups inboard slightly over stock,
     but it isn't going to break, and if it's all painted
     nice, the modification aren't all that noticeable.
          Another option that was slightly stronger but
     would be much more noticeable was to have the new mount
     extend completely across from one frame rail to the
     other. Amac said that is how they usually modify
     Spridget sway bar mounts and it is *sturdy*, but I like
     my mods a bit less obtrusive.


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  • Re: repairing Spridget front sway bar mounts, Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521 <=