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slow oil guages

Subject: slow oil guages
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 94 12:35 EST
A month or 2 ago there was a discussion on how long it takes for
oil pressure guages to register pressure after an engine is switched on.

This past weekedn I replaced the old steel oil pressure guage line, with some
clear plastic line and also installed an oil pressure switch (rated at 20psi)
on the Midget.

The pressure guage used to take about 20 secs to start moving after starting
the car (on a fairly freshly rebuilt motor), which always worried me somewhat.

Anyway after installing the clear line, I started the engine and saw that oil
was moving up the oil line with 2 secs of starting the engine. the pressure 
light took about 5 secs to go out, but the guage does not register any 
movement for about the first 20 secs (this was last week when the weather 
was around the freezing mark.)

Strangely after letting the car sit overnight, the oil line is empty of oil,
so it takes a while for the oil to actually reach the guage.

So to all those who don't see their guage move for several seconds after the
engine has started - don't worry about it !!!


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