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misfiring solved...?

Subject: misfiring solved...?
From: Marcus Tooze <>
Date: Tue, 22 Mar 1994 20:36:53 -0600
Note: I'm NOT holding my breath on this know..I'm sure
my car can intercept email or something, and likes to bait me when I proclaim
things are better! Anyway...

At the advice of Randy Taylor I adjusted the thumbscrew on the vacuum unit
so that about 1/8in of thread was sticking out. Before I had about 1/3 in
sticking out...i.e. it was very tight. The reason for this was when I had
the distributor out, I was twiddling the thumbwheel, thinking to myself,
'I wonder what the hell this is for...oh well, can't be important'.

I think what may have been happening (Randy...?) was that the screw maybe
adjusts how much advance the dist. can make....when v. tight the dist. can't
advance, thus cruddy timing, thus misfiring at higher revs. I dunno...
I'm just putting down what I think was happening. Anyway...its running 
without misfiring. I cruised around town with the roof down for about an hour..
and she was fine. If she doesn't misfire over the next few days I will
convinced that that was the problem. I'll recheck the timing (again!) this
weekend, hopefully some of the bounciness will have gone, and the dwell
might get set correctly!

Hey, Frank, I guess we can go for that ride properly now!!

Thanks all once again (for the billionth time)


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