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(Dare I say it) Dura-lube and such?

Subject: (Dare I say it) Dura-lube and such?
From: Jacob ben-David Zimmerman <zimerman@MIT.EDU>
Date: Sun, 13 Mar 94 02:33:28 EST
I have some friends at work who put one of these products (I think it was
Duralube) in their Audis and they have reported good results (noticeably
cooler operation, a bit more mpg, slightly better pickup) but I am suspicious
and wondered if there was someone out there who could expound knowledgeably
on the subject (directly to me via email if this subject has been hashed out
before.  Pointers to archives are great too) as I zipped through without seeing any references. 
  I, after watching this lest for a couple months, have become kneejerk wary of
any fluid that goes into Amanda (the TR6).  Fluids that have infomercials in   
fact set off alarm bells.  Still, I can't help thinking that anything to help
keep her engine happy would be I figured I'd come ask the net. Has
anyone used this stuff?  What the *#(*&$# is it? What can it do for my cr and  
what might it do to my car? 
  Thanks, as usual, for your time and attention!
<ob. progress note...yippee..I think I have enough to have her rust taken out
in time for paint job!!!> :-)

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