> Date: Fri, 25 Feb 94 11:33:28 +0900
> From: igeta@ars.ntt.jp (Kazuhiro IGETA)
> In Japan, emission control is closely strict as in Calfornia.
> Maybe Rover Japan prepared by themselves.
> It will not cost so much to be admitted to sell small number.
> ,
The emissions in Japan are indeed as strict as California's, but the
safety regs are not nearly so. Cars don't have to have 5 mph bumpers,
and I doubt they have to go through the 35 mph crash tests. The point
is that selling a car in the U.S. requires complying with more laws
than anywhere else in the world, and complying with those laws
requires a lot of time and money. If our market were not so large I
doubt if so many manufacturers would bother.