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SOL servers, FAQs

To: (British Cars)
Subject: SOL servers, FAQs
From: "Roger Garnett" <>
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 1994 14:47:48
(I've sent along the current README.SOL file seperately, it was due.)

A couple coments about content and directions of the SOL file servers:

For new and old folks alike- Did you know there's currently about
1000 people on this list? Wow. What a resource. Something to
remember when you send a message. Right now, we may not have b-c
FAQ, but we do have a lot of good information available on- line. It
may be time to start developing some FAQs (Frequently Asked Question
list), as many questions are asked over and over.

We could use a bunch of FAQ's, ranging from the generic "where or how
do I xxxx", to one on each car model, A lot of this information is
available on the server, but is often buried in the old digests. It
might actually be nice to see a few formatted FAQs, and anyone can
start one, and put it on Triumph. Why not pick your favourite car or
tech subject, and condense some of the more common questions for the
server? There are a few of us doing this already, like Phil Ethier
and the Parts Vendors list. A real good example is the Land Rover
FAQ.  Some things it would be nice to see, that aren't there now-

-A list of major british-car clubs and registers
-A dictionary of British car makes & models
-Individual make or model FAQs

The most exciting new thing on the server, is of course the beginnings of
a WWW server for those of you with Mosiac or Cello access. This stuff
allows a mix of hypertext and graphic viewing of information on TRIUMPH,
and may eventually allow easy searches of the digests for that bit of
information you know is there somewhere...

It needs a bunch of work yet, but is way Kool. Like, You just click on 
mjb's name, and get his "Home page" complete with pointers to Team.Net, a 
picture of his Spitfire, and his first sports car.

Remember- mjb may run these lists for us (thanks Mark), but the contents 
come from all of us. Also, as this stuff continues to grow, both in size 
and usefullness, it would be real nice to send Mark a small donation to the 
disk fund, so all this valueable information continues to have a place to 
      Roger Garnett           (
        "The South Lansing Centre For Wayward Sports Cars"

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