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Re: pixie dust and dream cars

Subject: Re: pixie dust and dream cars
From: Brian H. Wertz <>
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 94 11:14:57 MST
Scott Fisher poses the following questions to the brit-car mailing list:

[I edited your message to leave several keys points which apply to me]
> What I have often wondered about since then, and have no real answer
> for to this day, is: what modern car can inspire that kind of sustained
> rapture?  If you could buy any car today that you'd want to look back on 
> in 2013 and say, I bought it new and have kept it since then, what would
> it be?
> joys that once made motorcars something to inspire lunatic aspirations
> and nonsensical bonding, like a baby duck raised by a mother cat?  
> What do you think?  If you could buy any new car (or if you have), with
> an eye towards yourself, with a little less hair and a few more holes in
> your belt, nodding to a younger admirer and saying "I bought it new," what
> would it be?
> I guess I just need for all of you who still believe in fairies to
> clap your hands...
> --Scott "I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled" Fisher


   The reasons you mentioned above were mostly what led me to 
purchase my '93 Turbo Esprit.  I have been thoroughly enthralled
by this Lotus since I was about 17 ( 10 years ago.)  For the 
past 5 years I actually believed I could own my dream car and I
began planning my finances for this purchase.  My dream came true
this past July...

   People continually ask me why I chose this car, and why I wanted
a high-priced exotic.  My pat answer is "Mere words can't explain
my attraction for the car.  I am drawn toward its shape and lines.
The engineering of the car appeals to me.  Lotus' ability to exact
the performance delivered by the Esprit from a mere 2.2L engine
astounds me.  I believe that money/nice_toys can't buy one 
happiness; but if it could, this car would add another ray of sunshine
to my life!  Basically, it is like asking a composer what their
favorite song is.  It may be difficult for them to construct a 
verbal thought to describe the emotions behind their choice."

   The other question which arises frequently (even on these
mailing lists), is why I've only driven it 553 miles since July.
I field this question with another pat answer:  "I intend to
keep this car as a collector car.  I voluntarily decided to
limit my annual mileage to 2500 miles and below. This also
helps with the insurance bill. :^)  Some 20 years from
now I expect to have a somewhat pristine Turbo Esprit with
only 50k miles."

   I am quick to point out that this is not an investment (although
I have heard my share of naysayers.)  Realistically, Esprits
depreciate like a rock.  Maybe even worse...  I don't expect the
car to be worth anything 20 years from now.  This ties in with the
above statement of the lunatic aspirations.  Basically, it makes NO
FINANCIAL SENSE WHATSOEVER for me to have bought this car!  Did
this realization deter me?  No, I'm just another dreamer; but
my dreams come true!!!

   Longing for winter to end...

Brian Wertz | | HP Disk Memory Division | Boise, ID
                                        '89 Dodge Shelby Turbo Daytona
                                        '49 Plymouth (only 60k miles!)
                                        '93 Lotus Turbo Esprit (553 miles!)

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