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Re: My Wife Likes Yellow

To: (Wade Massengil)
Subject: Re: My Wife Likes Yellow
From: (Philip J Ethier)
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 1994 15:32:15 -0600 (CST)
Wade Massengil writes > 

>My Wife Likes Yellow

Mine doesn't, worse luck.  I'd like the original Lotus Yellow #7 on my
Europa, but "teal" (specifically Honda green BP-28P-4) has been selected
by the family.  The very mention of yellow causes them all to make gagging
sounds.  The blue-green metallic in question is OK by me, but I just
happened to like the original color down there below the OK metallic blue
and rotten black.

>       2. Light colors are more forgiving of amateur bodywork than dark.
>               Also cooler to the tender underside of your arm laying
>               on top of the door whilst you drive.

Well, you can't rest your arm on the paint whilst you drive a Europa (S2
or Twink, anyway) but the lower temp is a lot nicer to the plastic. 
Sailboats and sailplanes are usually white for a good reason.  And of
course, bodywork does not GET any more amateur than mine.

>       And another opinion...somebody must have liked the original
>               color because somebody bought it new from the dealer.
>               My MGB was Primrose Yellow from the factory. (Wish I
>               had a dollar for every car that used to be yellow) I
>               shyed away from it at first, but it grew on me, and the
>               folks at Abingdon must have got it right because now
>               I'd not have it any other way.

Pale Primrose is nice enough, but Lotus yellow is YELLOW.

>       The key to marital bliss may lie in obtaining spousal input in
>               this matter...narrow it down to 3 or 4 and ask, 'Honey,
>               which of these do you think would look best on the
>               MONEYBLAT 6000 ?'

Mine saw teal and said that was it.

>       Wade `My wife picks out the colors around here' Massengill

This is not a surprise.  Wives tend to think their husbands have no color
sense at all.

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