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oil filters, oil, and noisy bearings at start-up

Subject: oil filters, oil, and noisy bearings at start-up
From: Dennis <>
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 1994 14:27:18 -0700 (MST)
The first 10 seconds or so after I start the car, the engine is very noisy.
After this ten seconds or so it quietens down. The noisy is the "no oil
anywhere" noise but goes after the oil passageways are under normal pressure.
the question is why do we get this noise??  Worn bearings, maybe, but I think
it might be a clogged oil filter which delays oil delivery to the engine
as most will probably go back to the engine via the pressure relief valve.
I had a 73 MGBGT which took about 10-15 seconds to reach full pressure
(which was very good) after initial start-up. This engine was not that noisy
during this start-up period as it had very good bearings etc.
I use Amsol synthetic oil and amsol oil filters.  You can leave in the oil
for up to 12 months and need to change the filters every 6 months.  These
filters easily outlive and outfilter normal filters, but I think maybe it is
clogged.  So I'll change it and let you know if this "start-up" noise
gets better.

Cheers Dennis

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