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Click & Clack on Bleeding Cooling Systems

Subject: Click & Clack on Bleeding Cooling Systems
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 94 11:29 EST
The discussion of bleeding cooling systems reminds me of a tip I
picked up from the "Puzzlah" on Public Radio's "Car Talk" show.
The answer to the puzzler was that when the crusty old mechanic
was installing a cooling system thermostat, he pushed the thermostat
open and kept it open by sticking a couple of aspirin tablets in it.
Then when everything was assembled, coolant could flow into the
engine even though it was cold.  The aspirin tablets would soon
dissolve and the thermostat would operate normally.

I've always wondered if starting the engine up with no (or little)
coolant in the block was such a good idea.  The temp sensing side
of the t-stat is in the block, right?  Surrounded by just air
before the coolant starts filling the block.  Seems like there might be
some hot spots develop before the coolant starts circulating and
filling the block.

Now I've never tried this, but it does sound like a good idea.
I sent in my answer, but Click and Clack picked some other
underserving soul to win the extremely desirable prize.

Jim Beckman     1955 A-H 100

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