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Re: MGB S wheels / Cluch bering

Subject: Re: MGB S wheels / Cluch bering
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 94 15:29:05 EST
Hi thought I would finnaly reply to some of these MGB questions:

Stearing wheels.  I've had great sucess by threading the nut on a couple of
threads then having someone pull as hard as they can on the stering wheel
while I wack the shaft with a hammer I have pulled and wacked (no enuendos
please) my self but its easier when some one helps.  A lead or brass hammer
is best I use a brass knockoff hammer my self. some times it takes a few
tries but they all ways come off and I never damage the wheel. If the nut is
flush with the shaft there is litte chance of screwing up the threeds.

>There was an aftermarket ball bearing replacement available in the 
>late 70's and early 80's (is it still made?). These didn't work too well,
>to the design of the MGB clutch linkage. 

I have a ball bearing replacement in the EP MGB that I bought in 1984. I'ts
been in 2 different cars and out lasted 3 engines, but the race is a teflon
coated steal surface. Don't know who makes it or where to get one since I got
it at the local parts store when I lived in So. Cal.  The thing still feels
as smoth as a new one too.

>John Ross would be glad to sell the original tranny out of it for
>$2000 or so
Scott I dont know thats such a "great" box mabe $2500 and I'll throw in the
gears that came out when I drained the oil.

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