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RE: What's in octane booster?

Subject: RE: What's in octane booster?
From: (Steve Bender)
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 94 11:18:42 MST
> What's probably the *best* octane booster?  (...drum roll...)

> TETRA-ETHYLLEAD.  (C5H5)4Pb.  Yes, the lead that is absent in unleaded gas.
> Even after all these years, it's still one of the best ways to pump up that
> octane rating.  Oh, you say you can't get it at the hardware store? Hmm,
> wonder why.  Actually, it is still available; someone has been advertising

Tetra-ethyl-lead may still be permissible as an additive in some locations,
but is banned in many.  It is, however still permissible in marine applications
and can be sold in small quantities for such.  I am, of course, posting this
solely for the benefit of those SOL'ers who need to boost the octane for
their boats.


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