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Subject: notnewsgroups
From: (James Fuerstenberg)
Date: Mon Jan 3 08:31:49 1994
> Date: Sat, 1 Jan 1994 22:47:45 -0800
> From: (Paulo de Souza)
> Subject: Conversion from Mailing List to Newsgroup
> I would like to trow an idea to the whole list: To convert it into a 
> I am a newcomer here and I DO find it very hard to read and follow up on the
> subjects because the way it is listed and structured (or lack of it). 
> I am interested in the message-before-the-last and I have to keep scrooling
> through the wole thing (and being exposed to all) till I get there. With a 
> reader one can KILL an entire thread and discard it, and pick only the 
> one is intereted at and would make life a lot easier ... 

>From my point of view, I am only able to receive very limited
newgroups...and it would eliminate my receipt of the SOL
any event, I like the way maillists work and the discussions
generated seem to work better than the newsgroups I have seen.  If
you do not like scrolling through messages, then switch from digest
to realtime and delete messages by subject line for those which are
of no interest.

Jim. or

Any opinions herein are most certainly not that of my employer.  I am not 
authorized to have an opinion.

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