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Engineering Drawings

Subject: Engineering Drawings
From: Timothy Collins <>
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 1993 11:14:32 -0500
        This list provides an avenue to discuss and learn about 
many aspects of our hobby and love for LBC's.  The discussion runs the 
spectrum from purchasing LBC's, to "sworking" on them, to the dreaded 
"previous owner", and the list goes on....  
        I'd like to bring up a subject I've not seen on the list before.  I 
would like to know if anyone else has an interest in the engineering 
drawings of our cars?  I find that I can spend a lot of time pouring over a 
sectional view of a LBC.  Better yet would be some engineering drawings, 
but I haven't found a source yet, except the occasional drawing in a book.  
Better still, would be some AutoCAD drawings.  Now I realize that we have a 
timing problem here in that LBC's predate ACAD by a good number of years.  
But, I also know not to underestimate the perverse nature of SOL'ers.  
There's no telling what someone might have done in the name of this hobby!  
        Personally, I would really enjoy "tinkering" with an AutoCAD 
drawing of a Lotus Seven or some other tubular frame vehicle.  A Seven 
frame should be a fairly simple drawing to make in three-D.  
        I did obtain a drawing from Professor Michael Seal at Western 
Washington University of one of their "Lotus like" autocross cars.  The 
drawing isn't very good, but I have enjoyed having it.  The only other 
drawing I have of this type (with absolutely no LBC content) is one of a 
Airstream travel trailer (floor plan and elevation views) sent to me by the 
Airstream Engineering Department.  I used it once when I demonstrated 
AutoCAD to a group of Airstream owners.  They really got into designing 
their own floor plan, window placement, etc. 
        Do we have any draftpersons out there or any one else with this 
same interest in this aspect of LBC's? 
Tim Collins, Director    
School of Technology                       Say ya to da U.P. eh!
Michigan Technological University     
Houghton, MI   49931-1295                      

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