>From: EUBANK@vaxb.acs.unt.edu
>2. No orders for parts are to be taken over the discussion list.
>This injunction applies, of course, to both regular SOLers and
>commercial SOLers.
You might want to add: Such orders should be handled by other
means, such as private email.
>3. No mention of the name of the commerical enterprise is to be
>made over the discussion list unless specifically requested by
>someone else.
Too draconian, IMHO. Certainly I think though should be allowed
to have a sig like everyone else, and it should list their affiliation.
I also would have no problems with it listing their phone number as well.
>4. No surveys whose purpose includes commerical gain are to be
>taken over the discussion list.
What does this mean? For example, what if company x wants to get
an idea if it would be a good idea to remanufacture a blivet-frob for a
bizzaremobile. I'd have no problems with them asking "who out there would
be interested in a blivet-frob if they were made available again?" The only
thing I would request is that any survey taken on the net have the results
posted to the net, and the full responses made available to all.
If anyone does anything that annoys enough people, make some rule about
it then or take some action. It's not like we can't change our minds.
>From: (Roger Garnett) rwg1@cornell.edu
[ a very simple proposal ]
I third/whatever Roger's proposal. It's simple, it doesn't waste
lots of effort on things which may never become an issue, and it strikes a
nice balance.
Randell Jesup