I think we all agree that technical participation from sources such as
TRF would be welcome. The only concerns I've seen are those concerning
some sort of advertising by these sources. Another was a concern that
there may be too much advertising specific to a marque.
This *is* a high-volume list, no doubt. And I believe that any messages
concerning little more than blatant advertising would incur the wrath of
most of the members of this list. And I believe our commercial people on
the list know that, too. And really, does TRF need this list to do
advertising? I mean, who on this list who owns a Triumph or MG does *not*
receive TRF materials in the mail?
I intend to start my restoration on the TR250 as soon my GT6 is healthy
again. I wouldn't mind at all if I could answers to my questions on the
net from TRF, since I will probably be sending them lots of money over
the next several months. I have no fear whatsoever that any responses from
TRF will be exactly what I need, not any advertising junk.
And it's true that TRF is much stronger in a couple of marques than others.
But do I complain about MG postings, since I'm a Triumph owner? Or do the
MG owners complain about my Triumph questions? Many of our messages are
marque-specific. I think that should be OK for TRF as well as the rest of us.
Dana expressed concern that his management (aka Charles) doesn't see the
value in his participation in the net. Perhaps a poll of people who have
cars that can use TRF parts and what they expect to spend in 1994? Dana
could use this to convince his management that his net participation is
worth it...
I'll tally it, if this makes sense.