A new book:
"The Book of Norman, Volume I" by Norman Miller, proprietor of
a small northern California Tigers-only repair/restoration facility,
is available as a limited-edition (1,000 only) EXCLUSIVELY from
Sunbeam Specialties in Campbell California.
The hardbound, 8-1/2 x 11" book has 371 pages, 265 photographs, and
11 chapters that "detail many unexplored aspects of Tiger lore."
It also contains the most complete illustrated listing of original
accessories and options ever published, and the first-ever publishing
of "The International Registry of Sunbeam Tigers." The registry
includes an entry for every Tiger known to have been produced, plus
information from owners around the world who have reported their cars
as survivors, or, sadly, as deceased.
The book explores in great detail the distinctions between Tigers and
Alpines, with an eye toward the identification of Alpine conversions,
rebodies, etc. Most interesting is Mr. Millers contention that key
components and subassemblies were identified as Tiger parts much
earlier in the production cycle than most people ever imagined.
Rather than being simply factory-converted Alpines, it now seems
as though there was sufficient differences in materials, fabrication,
and production methods to make it virtually impossible to construct
an undetectible fake Tiger from an Alpine.
And, for you 100-point restorers, it lists the CORRECT color/finish
and materials/construction for practically everthing in the engine
compartment, trunk, and interior--by serial number range!
"Veeeeery innnteresting!" I've been a Tiger owner for over 26 years.
I've read just about everyting that has ever been published about the
marque, and I thought I knew the cars pretty well. I had a difficult
time putting this book down to go to bed last night! It's pretty
detailed, and clearly written for the owner or serious shopper. If
you have a Tiger, or may ever consider buying one, you'll want this
book. If you are only curious, you can probably live without it.
It's $58.00 from Sunbeam Specialties:
Phone: 408/371-1642
FAX: 408/371-8070
Ask for "The Book of Norman," part #SB61.