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EGR Valve answers

Subject: EGR Valve answers
From: (David Z. Creemer)
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 1993 21:38:37 -0800
Hello again,
Yesterday I reported that, having failed the CA smog test, I suspected that the
EGR valve was not getting a vacuum signal. Today I bought a vacuum pump/guage,
and tested it again quite carefully. It turns out there _is_ a vacuum signal at
the EGR valve at higher rpms, but the condition of the vacuum lines and
fittings is not too great -- I'll replace them just the same. I then used the
pump to check the valve, and it would not read anything but zero. Turns out the
smog tech was right (I have alot to learn...). When I pumped the vacuum pump, I
could detect a slight hiss from the valve, but it was difficult to locate. Then
I remembered my SCUBA diving equipment repair lessons, so I plunked the valve
into a bit of water, and gently blew air _into_ it. Bubbles! Close inspection
of the seam on the upper half of the valve revealed what I believe is
technically referred to as a scarcity-inspired field maintenance improvisation,
i.e. a hack. The PO had gooped up the seam of the valve. He must have had the
same problem. So now the questions: is this an ok hack (great? fair? poor?). If
ok or better, what kind of goop is best to use? It obviously needs to be
temperature resistant.
Thanks in advance for the help.

-- David

David Z. Creemer   ||   San Francisco, California USA  ||

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