>Help! Does anyone out there in net.land have a good lay gear for
>the 3-syncrho box in a '63 M.G. B? It is the same box that was in
>the A, as I understand it.
I believe the laysaft size was increased for the MGB from the MGA.
Therefore you can use an MGB laygear in an MGA by enlarging the opening
for the layshaft. Moss sold a kit to retrofit an MGB laygear in an MGB.
You can use the later 3-syncro MGB gear but you must also use the
other gears ( the ratios changed). You might call Moss and ask for MD Hart
he is Moss' expert on this type of stuff.
Martin Frankford Teledyne Brown Engineering, Inc.
mfrankfo@nebula.tbe.com (205)726-2366 voice (205)726-3976 fax