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Re: Fuel Injection

Subject: Re: Fuel Injection
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1993 16:29 -0800 (PST)
Lawrence wrote of his worry about high fuel pressure lines.
A fail safe device is used on European washing machines that
could also be used in this application. On a washing machine
if the hose from the tap bursts you risk flooding your downstairs
neighbour. A simple in line valve screws on between the tap and the
hose and consists of a flap held open by a spring. If a large
pressure differential develops across the valve (as occurs when
the hose bursts) the spring can't hold the valve open and the
valve slams shut. In normal operation there is negligible pressure
drop across the valve. Notice that it doesn't rely on any
additional sensors that might be failure prone. I'm suprised
that such a system doesn't already exist for fuel injection!?
Patrick Krejcik.

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