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From the TRF October Newsletter...

Subject: From the TRF October Newsletter...
From: pwv@tc.fluke.COM (Pat Vilbrandt)
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 93 19:32:22 PST
While flipping through the October newsletter from TRF, I noticed a couple of 
names familiar to those on this list.  The first was John Lye and his autox
'63 TR4, noting his 3rd in Class D at the TRF summer party.  Then, on the back
page, this nice little piece under "Competition Notes":

        "Rochelle Nyquist -- What can we say about a lady who comes up with
    more points than her husband?  Rochelle shares a GT6 with her husband,
    Dick.  She qualified for the Pacific Coast Run-Offs, being fifth in the
    points standings with Dick ending up in seventh place.  We at TRF think
    it's great that so many more women are racing and becoming involved in
    motorsports.  They are such great competitors."

Aren't they just that, Dick?  I'm sure you're glad I posted this!  Your
welcome!  ;^)

   Pat Vilbrandt      Fluke Corporation      Everett, Washington USA
   pwv@tc.fluke.COM or: { uunet, uw-beaver, sun, microsoft }!fluke!pwv

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